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How does shading and dirt affect the performance of my panels?

Solar PV panels should ideally be in full sun from at least 9am to 3pm, but better if longer in the afternoon to support during the early evening peak hour spike in electricity costs. They should not be placed in shaded areas and should be kept free from dust and dirt. Usually if dust accumulates and the panels sit in a angle, the next rainstorm will wash off the dust. Even a small amount of shade - from things like trees, roof ventilators or antennas - will have an impact on the output of a panel, as it changes the flow of electricity through the panel.

Shading or dirt on just one of the parts of a solar panel results in a significant loss of power from that panel and other panels, not just the one that is shaded. Panels lying at an angle above 10° will self-clean when it rains, as our quality LG panels have glass which is designed to allow dirt to be washed off easily.

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