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How do I check if I'm eligible for a solar system rebate?

There are a few key eligibility rules to be eligible for solar rebate on your system:

  1. The solar system must be an eligible small-scale solar PV, wind or hydro system. A normal solar power system for your home normally is an eligible system.
  2. The solar power system must be installed at an eligible premise. Examples include houses, townhouses, residential apartments and shops.
  3. The solar system must be a new and complete unit.
  4. No more than one system at an eligible premise (address) is entitled to Solar Credits.
  5. Solar Credits may only be created once for a particular solar installation, irrespective of whether the certificates are created for a 1-year, 5-year or 15-year deeming period.
  6. The electric solar system must have been installed no more than 12 months prior to the date of application for STCs.

Please do check the Clean Energy Council website for current changes or talk to your nearest LG installer to get the updated information.

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