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Can you give any tips before I buy a solar system?

While deciding to buy a solar system consider the following suggestions:

1. Undertake some solar research via our FAQ site. Alternatively speak to family and friend who already have solar installed to enquire about the benefits.

2. Do your research about brands and prices. There are some very cheap offers in the market, but often these cheaper deals hide poor quality equipment made to appear like quality. You are looking for a 25 year lasting product so that your financial investment is repaid over and over. Find out about the company offering the very cheap deal. Often some internet research reveals a good overall picture.

3. Do not give into pressure selling and deadlines. It’s one of the oldest sales tricks in the book. If the sales person cannot give you the time to make a considered decision, then what are they fearful off you’ll discover about the deal with a little research. If the company has just come into town for a solar deal , they will be gone after the install and you will be left to your own devices. Please buy from local installers. In years to come you might need their local solar expertise and support.

4. How big is your roof and how big a solar system can fit?

5. Solar systems vary in quality and size and so does the price. Set yourself a budget. Do not look for saving few dollars and buying poor /cheap quality. This will cost you more in the future. You are making a 25 years or longer investment, so please consider quality and real warranty support over everything else.

6. Panel Types & Certifications: There are mono-crystalline, poly-crystalline and amorphous films available in NZ which are used for solar systems. We recommend the high efficiency mono-crystalline solar panels, as this is the technology used most often in solar systems in the world today. It is also the most tested technology, as mono-crystalline panels have been mass produced since the 1970s. They have a black appearance and from our point of view will blend in more to your roof and neighbourhood than the blue multi-crystalline solar panel variety.

7. Manufacturer’s Warranty: Many manufacturers will offer 10 years manufacturing warranty and an 80% efficiency warranty of 25 years. For a normal consumer it becomes difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff. Companies like LG offer stepped warranty and a replacement warranty. Most importantly it is not a company based in some remote location in the world but has a solid presence in New Zealand. Finally make sure the manufacturer has a local legal entity in New Zealand . Should you have a dispute in years to come a company with no link and contact in New Zealand is hard to pursue when it comes to consumer rights.

8. Chose a quality Inverter to go with quality panels: An inverter is the heart of the solar system. It will have a direct impact on the efficient of conversion from solar power to usable electric power of your system. The more efficient the inverter, the better the energy conversion process will be. The bigger and more established the manufacturer, the more likely warranty claims or required repairs will be dealt with smoothly.

Solar system installed

9. Mounting & Accessories: There are building standards for every aspect of the mounting and electrical accessories used in a solar system. Quality systems are certified. Ensure that the installer uses the certified product by getting the products used in your system listed as part of the quote.

10. Quotes & Buying: We will recommend that you get a few quotes for comparison. Do not get pressurised by sales person to sign then and there. Avoid the travelling band of solar installers hitting town and then disappearing, never to be seen again. Use local install companies and take your time, before you buy.

We suggest you contact your local LG solar panel dealer who will give you professional advice.